
EOS Discovery

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Avslutat medlemskap
Orkar inte kolla om det finn någon annan stans. Här kommer info om EOS Discovery.

"EOS Discovery is your chance to get the inside story on EOS – the ultimate camera system. Sign up to any one of the free Discovery shows and learn from celebrity photographer Andy Earl and other photography experts as they share their stories, techniques and tricks.

Gain insights into how the pros work with EOS in nature, fashion, sports and reportage, and find out how to improve your own D-SLR skills.

Two shows are offered. The Amateur sessions will appeal to photographers of all levels looking to improve their skills. The Advanced shows have the same structure and content but with slightly more emphasis on commercial photography.

EOS and Apple
For those interested in the latest post-production tools, Apple will run same-day sessions around the EOS Discovery event times. Information will be provided with your EOS Discovery registration confirmation."