
Tips på bildbyråer i Sverige och Danmark

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Någon som vet några bra länkar till bildbyråer som har hand om erotiska bilder..?

Tacksam för svar.

Hilsen Peter


Aktiv medlem
Hej Peter
just bildbyråer känner jag inte till som är specialiserade på erotiska motiv, men låt mig säga så här.
Du har ju många fina modellbilder med erotiska inslag, varför inte kontakta tidningen Cupido i Danmark och Norge. Du bor ju i Danmark så köp ett ex och kolla in adressen till redaktionen! Kan mycket väl tänka mig att dem är intresserade att publicera bilder från dig till deras artiklar.
Denna seriösa tidning Cupido fanns ett tag i Sverige men försvann sorgligt nog, kan inte förstå det?? Innehållet var bra och hade en fin stil och tänk för både kvinnliga och manliga läsare.

Mvh / Björn


Aktiv medlem
Hej igen Peter
Cupido finns online också, kan du kolla in adressen för att sända bilder.här

Dem söker bilder och skriver så här:

Cupido is in constant need of new photographs

Cupido, the leading erotic magazine in Norway and Denmark, has a turnover of 800 - 900 erotic photographs per year. The magazine, therefore, is in constant need of new pictures.

This is meant as information to our permanent photographer-partners all over the USA and Europe. We also publish this on our web site hoping new photographers will take an interest and send us photos suitable for Cupido.

If you are interested, please take a look at our photo galleries and contact us at or at the addresses below.

• Cupido is in need of photographs of:
- Couples
- Men
- Women
- Mature or elderly people
- More than two persons
- Gay or lesbian erotic photographs
- Coverphotos

• Photographs of couples

Cupido needs more photos/pictures of couples, women and men where the erotic excitement of the models is believable.

We would also appreciate the man to show arousal. In other words he should not be allowed to hide behind her, as we very often see in erotic photography.

Of course, Cupido also needs photos of men and women posing in the nude or wearing exciting, erotic clothing. But the models should act naturally. In other words we try to avoid photos where the models are posing and the passion is clicheed or obviously not real.

• Photographs of men

Our female readers demand photos of men who are aroused by them (i.e. our female readers) and ready to seduce or be seduced by the same readers. Our readers, however, will not be bluffed, for example they will not be impressed by his erection if he (the model) does not through his facial expression and personality convinces them that his passion is real and sincere.

The erection does not always have to be full, but it should be shown that his arousal is in progress.

Women are also turned on by photos of men with an irresistible personality. They could be innocent, sweet, compassionate, well built, tough, «primitive» and experienced seducers (but not necessarily good looking). However, it is preferable that the male model has some personality attractive to women.

Women are often searching for photographs that get their fantasies started. The models do not have to be presented in the nude. The models could also be shown to their advantage with a little clothing (and it would hurt no one if the spectator can see his arousal). Furthermore we would like to show photos where women can fantasise about: Where has he been? Where is he going? Who is he? What's he thinking of?

• Photographs of women

We have plenty of erotic photographs of women in our archives, but we never seem to be able to satisfy men's lust for photos of ordinary girls acting naturally.

The woman photographed should enjoy showing off and she should be comfortable with her own body. If she's aroused, and we would very much like her to be so, there is nothing the matter with her finding complete satisfaction in her own body and her own fantasies. But pouting lips and hazy eyes are not enough. Her arousal must be believable and natural.

Quite a lot of men want to see pictures of plump women. They are also very fascinated by strong, seductive women.

• Photographs of mature/elderly bodies - after all the sixties generation is getting on!

Of course we appreciate young, good looking bodies. But in addition to this we would want the models to represent the span of human variation in age as well as bodily forms.

We appreciate the fact that a lot of men as well as women are attracted to mature people, but the selection of erotic photographs of mature women as well as men is very poor.

There is a distinct increase in demand for photos of this kind, which, after all, is hardly surprising. The sixties generation is getting a bit!

But please do not conclude that we do not want photos of young, good-looking men and women. We do want them as well!

• Photos of intergenerational couples

We also would like to see more photos of couples where the age difference is evident. This is a recurring fantasy among the writers of Cupido's letters and short stories. The relation between mature women and young, male lovers is an especially recurring fantasy. But photos of this motive are a rarity.

• Photos of more than two persons

A lot of the stories and readers' letters in Cupido are describing erotic situations involving more than two people. Photographs of such situations are even rarer and we would like to see more of them.

• Gay and lesbian photographs

The photos of gays or lesbians in erotic situations are not exclusively arousing to gays, lesbians or bisexuals. We know that men have at all times enjoyed looking at photographs of women having sex with each other. It is however, becoming increasingly evident that women are turned on by photographs where men have sex with other men. Women are not particularly keen on the traditional gay photographs of single, posing men, whereas photos where men are engaged in some kind of passionate or emotional activity are very popular, indeed.

• Humorous and artistic photos

Cupido is also in need of humorous photographs as well as artistic photographs of a more traditional as well as experimental, albeit erotic, kind.

• Cover photography

Colour photographs of couples engaged in a passionate or emotional embrace elicit the most response.

• Norwegian legislation

To focus on sexual organs is prohibited according to Norwegian law. It is important to show the faces of the models. Photos showing sexual penetration, fellatio and cunnilingus are also forbidden in Norway.

P.O.Box 6613 Rodelokka
0502 Oslo

Phone: +47 2271 7060
Fax: +47 2271 6320



Aktiv medlem

Hej Björn.

Tack för upplysningen.

Jag har sänt en mail till dem.

Hilsen Peter


Aktiv medlem
TIFF minimum 25-30MB, 300dpi???

Hej. Jag fick ett snabbt svar från Scanpix. Som var således.

"Hej Peter

Dine billeder på ser rigtig fine ud.

Det kunne være interessant at have liggende i Scanpix billedbase. Der er stor efterspørgsel på din stil.

Det fungerer sådan her.
Du leverer billeder i TIFF minimum 25-30MB, 300dpi .
Du står for let indeksering ( sender vejledning om det bliver aktuelt
Billeder du leverer hertil, kan du ikke samtidig have liggende hos
danske billedbureauer.
Afregning er 50% split, imellem dig og Scanpix."

Nu frågar jag någon på fotosidan istället för på scanpix..

Kan någon förklara mig vad TIFF är?. Minimum 25-30MB!!, 300 dpi...

Jag sparar allt i JPEG så vad är nu detta?

Hilsen Peter


Aktiv medlem
Tiff är ett okomprimerat bildformat. (Finns dock olika typer av icke-destruktiv komprimering).

25-30 MB är ganska så mycket. När jag scannar hos Crimson så är 20 MB maximala storleken som finns att välja.


Aktiv medlem
OK, Peter
det blir att scanna om dem bilder du vill ha med i leveransen till Scanpix.

Scanna in negativet eller diabilden i din filmscanner med högsta upplösning som din scanner kan prestera.
Där ser du hur många MB den blir, och ställ in bildupplösning på 300dpi. Så här scannar jag in varje bild som skall scannas. Då blir min bildfil för varje enskild bild 28MB.

Sedan i Photoshop så sparar du så här:
Bild-Spara som, och väljer sedan i menyn TIFF. Tryck SPARA. i nästa meny välj PC samt välj Bort
"LZW-komprimering" och tryck OK.

Scanna alltid så här i högsta upplösnimng och spara högupplösta filer som bränns ner på en CD-skiva som "digitala originalnegativ" åt dig själv.

Sedan kan du öppna dessa filer igen och göra finjusteringar med nivåer och andra önskade redigeringar utan att ändra på originalscanningarna. OBS, min bildbyrå vill inte att man lägger på någon skärpa!
När detta är gjort så bränner du en skiva till Scanpix med bilder och väljer igen Arkiv-Spara som, och väljer sedan TIFF. Tryck Spara, i nästa meny välj PC samt välj Bort "LZW-komprimering" pga att det inte annars går att öppna på en Mac-dator.

Det som är bra med egna digitala original är att du kan göra om dem utan att förstöra originalscanningarna, du kan t ex göra mindre bilder för webben men då spara dem i JPEG för komprimering.

Lycka Till och hör gärna av dig hur det gått med Scanpix och dina bilder.

Mvh / Björn


Aktiv medlem
Hej Björn!

Tack för all din hjälp.

Jag hör av mig lite närmare när jag har sänt in bilderna till Scanpix.

Hsilsen Peter


Aktiv medlem
Jag vill också tacka Björn för tipsen då det gäller scanning. Fick lära mig en hel del nytt tack vare dessa.

Kent O