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Del laGrace Volcano: FÖRELÄSNING Photographing Femmes: Queer Feminist Methodology in Action

19 september - 19 september
Plats: Galleri Panora, Malmö |

Del LaGrace Volcano presenterar utställningen Femmes
of Power: Exploding Queer Femininities
och berättar om sitt
arbete som fotograf.

Photographing Femmes:
Queer Feminist Methodology in Action

In this hour presentation Del LaGrace Volcano will speak about the development
of what he calls a ?queer feminist methodology¹; a working ethos
committed to making images with (speaking) subjects rather than taking
images from passive or silenced objects. The history of photography is
the history of violent and ubiquitous exploitation of those considered
marginal and disposible. ( Male photographers (and some female too) are
rewarded for upholding the status quo and reproducing images of women
that permit a very narrow spectrum of gender expression. You are invited
to see what it looks like when the subject is allowed to speak up, talk
back and play a part in the process of creation and why the process is
as important as the final product!

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