
I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #753: Live blog from NYC: Day 4

Friday, November 3rd 2017.
On day 4 I was feeling tired, a bit uninspired and had a few minor misfortunes, none of which are worth mentioning any details about. The best thing was the weather, it was around 20 degrees centigrade and a blue sky! And at the end of the day I did my planned visit to Strand bookstore and got a pile of photo books, some of which are out of print and therefore hard to find!

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2017-11-05 03:29 | Läst 1498 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (4) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #752: Live blog from NYC: Day 3

Thursday, November 2nd 2017.
Day 3 was a day more about personal meetings than shooting. First I met the wonderful Iryna Fedorovska at 10 am. We walked and talked from Times Square to Columbus Circle. It was so nice to meet Iryna in person after knowing her for three years on deviant art! When walking back to Times Square again, I got this shot below after taking a quick step to the left to get the correct background.
I know it's out of focus, but I like the energy, the reds and the one-second-composition!

After saying goodbye to Iryna, I spent a little time on Times Square and got this shot:

The Map Reader.

After enjoying some beautiful light in Bryant Park and a great salad in Chop't, I met up with Barry Levy at the New York Public Library. I know Barry mainly from the Facebook group Pure Street Photography, where he does admin duties and critiques. We went to a nearby Starbucks and talked for several hours. Barry is a lifelong photographer and it was so much fun and interesting to listen to what he had to say about photography, stories from his life and also current events and politics! My throat was even a little bit sore after all this talking!
Following the parting advise from Barry, I did some shooting on the subway going back to the apartment on the Upper West Side. I even got myself some extra subway shooting time by taking the wrong train!

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2017-11-03 14:27 | Läst 2258 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #751: Live blog from NYC: Day 2

Wednesday, November 1st 2017.
Day 2 became a full day, although much shorter than day 1. It included a seven hour photo walk that took me through midtown Manhattan and Downtown Brooklyn, crossing the East River on the Manhattan Bridge to Chinatown and onwards to Little Italy and Soho. I also had the pleasure to meet and have dinner with my wonderful hosts Michael and Francisco in their beautiful home on the Upper West Side! A great day!

On 34th street.

Downtown Brooklyn. 2 Crutches, 2 Sodas.

Day After Halloween.

New York Love Letter. Manhattan Bridge.


Be well, everybody!


Postat 2017-11-03 02:58 | Läst 1264 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #750: Live blog from NYC: Halloween

I flew three flights, Umeå-Stockholm, Stockholm-Oslo and then the long one: Oslo-New York for a total travel time of almost 16 hours. But I had a couple of hours sleep on the plane, so I went ahead with my plan to do a photo-walk in the area of the New York Halloween parade. I managed four hours, before succumbing to my tiredness, didn't see the actual parade. I was sad to hear about the terror attack that had happened during my walk, but unknown to me until I got back to my room and turned on facebook.
Here are three quick photos from yesterday.

Be well everybody!


Postat 2017-11-01 13:54 | Läst 1931 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #747: The Ultimate Guide to the Carnival

För några dagar sedan blev ett av mina blogginlägg med gatufoto från Umeå uppmärksammat av fotosidans redaktion i form av en blänkare på förstasidan. Riktigt kul, tycker jag! Och lite oväntat, eftersom jag bloggat väldigt lite på senare tid.
"Man behöver inte åka till Stockholm, London eller New York för att ta bra gatufoton. Niklas Lindskog visar i ett blogginlägg en rad fina nytagna bilder från Umeå." stod det i texten.
Men faktum är att de allra flesta av mina blogginlägg innehåller gatufoto från någon av alla mina resor!  Och på onsdag-torsdag åker jag faktiskt en sväng till Stockholm. Det blir dock inget gatufoto den här gången, jag ska se Nick Cave i Globen i sällskap med min son Sam. Och i slutet av månaden åker jag till New York, just för att gatufota. Min senaste resa gick dessutom till London, så redaktörens pricksäkerhet var total!  :-)
Detta blogginlägg inleder en rapport från augustiresan till London, där jag träffade flera goda fotovänner, både nya och gamla och besökte London Street Photography Festival. En av dagarna blev det gatufoto på Notting Hill Carnival. Högljutt, färglatt och trångt och många möjligheter till närgånget gatufoto.

Inspirationsbild för dagens bloggtitel!

Fortsättning följer...

Ha det gott, alla!


Postat 2017-10-15 22:00 | Läst 2622 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (4) | Kommentera
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