
I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #707: Hanoi, Wednesday

March 8th, 2017.
Woke early and got myself out on the streets by 8. Just to walk somewhere else I took a route past the park with the Lenin statue, the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and the sight nearest my hotel, The Temple of Literature (which looked nice, I might visit it later). Sorry, no tourist pics from these attractions this time...  ;-) I did get to do high 5's with an entire class of 10-year-olds at the Mausoleum!

Sanitation, RGB style!

Mainly the R and B parts in this one...

Back at the hotel by 10 for a mid-morning tea and snack. And a nap...  :D

Got out again at 12:30 and walked some new (for me of course) alleys near the hotel, just west of the main train station.

Found these guys playing their chess. The guy on the left spoke very good English and surprised me by knowing where Umeå is. He had even passed through on a trip to Sweden!

I got hungry and started looking for something to eat. I found this little place where the guy offered to make me my first Vietnamese kebab! He said since I was such a special customer, he wanted to take a photo of us together. His buddy held the phone and of course i asked for them to take a shot with my camera also.

That's my kebab he's hold and yeah, it was super delicious! Different than a "Swedish" kebab, more like Gyros with cilantro...  :-)

While waiting for the sandwich to be prepared an elephant walked by:

And this scene made me stand up and cross the street:

Three chicken.

The afternoon walk was cut short by massive rains. I jumped into a cab and holed up for the rest of the day.

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2017-03-09 10:39 | Läst 2770 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #706: Hanoi, Tuesday

March 7th, 2017.
Hanoi has been very grey with heavily overcast skies so far. The only opportunity for more dramatic light has been the electric light in the evenings. On this my second day in Hanoi I did a long morning walk in the Old Town and an evening one in the alleys and streets in the vicinity of my hotel.

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2017-03-08 11:32 | Läst 2546 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (7) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #685: Beijing 15 juni

Idag visar jag färgversionen av min promenad genom Beihaiparken. Den svartvita hittar den som vill HÄR!

Förutom parktemat så blir det även hattema!

Ha det gott, alla!


Postat 2016-09-14 19:22 | Läst 1573 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (1) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #656: Beijing 18 juni

Här kommer nästa laddning bilder från den här dagen. Börjar som jag gjort på slutet med den platsande bilden:


I och för sig ett svårt beslut om den här ska platsa. Har nämligen ett annat, lite enklare, alternativ av samma scen:

Inte lika komplex som den andra, på gott och ont, men flickan med träsvärdet är ju det som är speciellt med scenen och här får hon mer plats.

Dagens övriga bilder får bli svartvita.


Tre och ett halvt ansikte.


Ha det gott, alla!


Postat 2016-08-01 16:27 | Läst 1246 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (3) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #642: Streeting in the Forbidden City

Or Beijing, Day 9 - June 22nd, 2016.
The Forbidden City is of course the top tourist attraction in central Beijing.  So why go streeting there? There's just gonna be tourists around. Absolutely! But based on previous experiences, those tourists are going to be 99% Chinese! And that's why I went to Beijing in the first place: To shoot street with the Chinese in their environment.

What the Forbidden City is all about: Great big courtyards, massive temples and beautiful art in the details!

Beneath the Gate of Heavenly Peace.

Happy in the Forbidden City!

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2016-06-26 06:46 | Läst 2479 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (5) | Kommentera
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