
I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #729: Prague, Wednesday

March 12th, 2017.
A day filled with tourist activity number 1: SHOPPING! (sorry sight-seeing!)
In and out of stores, but we also got to see a lot of the city while walking from one shopping hotspot to another. And the subway gave me some more opportunities for streeting:

Prague is a very beautiful city and one example of that is its amazing cafés and restaurants. On this day, we had som tea/coffee and cake at Café Savoy on the "other" side of the river. What a beautiful place! The tea was immaculate and the Savoy cake was probably the best cake I've ever had!

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2017-04-14 19:53 | Läst 2455 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (1) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #708: Hanoi, Thursday

March 9th, 2017.
Today I took a walk along the narrow train tracks that go through central Hanoi. I've seen the photos how people live right on the tracks and wanted to see with my own eyes.

After about a kilometer, I left the tracks and got into the northern part of the Old Town.

Got this super yummy lunch from one of those portable mini kitchens n an alley. If I had the power to give out Michelin stars I would have! Amazing taste and freshness! And it only cost about 1 euro...

After lunch I happened onto Chợ Đồng Xuân market, the largest indoor market in Hanoi.

Chess game at the market.

I reconnected with the railroad at Ga Long Bien bridge, which spans the Red River.

The bridge has a bike lane in each direction as well.

A small arm or maybe backwater of the river.

Street Barber.

Walked back to the hotel and a much needed rest after a five and half hour walk.

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2017-03-10 06:22 | Läst 2549 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (5) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #640: Beijing, Day 7

Monday the 20th of June, 2016.
I had decided to take the Monday off. No shooting and some rest for my aching back. And also resting my head from a, so far, pretty tough work schedule. But, still, I couldn't resist doing the morning walk! It was another sunny morning, and the light was wonderful!  :-)

A lot of the subjects you'd want to photograph are bound to be in the shadow, even in the relative cool of the early morning. (Even more so in the full blast heat of the day).

At the end of the walk I stopped for some more of those addictive little dough-buns:

After a while this guy sat down at my table to have his breakfast. He had some preserved vegetables with his dough-buns and rinsed it all down with some rice gruel.

Be well, everybody.

Postat 2016-06-24 04:24 | Läst 2105 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #636: Beijing, Day 5 - Morning Walk

It's become my morning routine to do a short photo-walk in the alleys near my hostel, to make use of the lower sun and the slightly more comfortable temperature. Some days I get an early chinese breakfast of dumplings dipped in vinegar and chili.

The small dumpling shops stack these metal or basket steamer sections into big stacks:

The steam goes up through the steamer chimney and cooks it all!

At the duck place.

More dumplings!

Morning Toilette.

Morning Stretch.

Hutong Selfie.

Moped Monk.

Drawing up plans for life?

Be well everybody!


Postat 2016-06-20 04:46 | Läst 1410 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (1) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #627: Gatufoto till morgonkaffet?

Chicago, 1-2/11 2015.
Publicerar den här på morgonkvisten, så är det några av er som checkar fotosidan till frukost, så kanske det kan passa? Och det första motivet ser ut att behöva sitt kaffe:

Nästa kille cyklar till jobbet, men håller sig för (sin egen) säkerhets skull på trottoaren:

Varför sitta ner med sin frukost när man kan spara så mycket tid på att äta den medan man transporterar sig? Bäst att lära barnen tidigt!

En låda med doughnuts kan funka som tillfälligt skrivbord!

En liten chokladbit är väl inte så dumt?!

Kaffe och telefon är väl en modern konkurrent...

...till kaffe och cigarett (här dock utan kaffe) som den mest onyttiga frukosten man kan tänka sig medan...

...medan kaffe i kombination med ett gott skratt kanske förlänger livet?

Allt detta offentliga fikande gjorde förstås fotografen och hans vänner sugna till slut. Tur då att Cheesecake Factory finns!

Janne på Cheesecake Factory.

Ha det gott, alla!


Postat 2016-06-08 07:25 | Läst 2028 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (3) | Kommentera
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