
I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #776: Monte Gordo, Portugal

April 11th, 2018.
Right now, I'm on a trip to the Algarve for the annual training camp with the sports school where I work.   Today was rest day for the athletes, so I made time for a two hour photo walk, documenting the small tourist town near the Spanish border in its off season state. I didn't expect to do much street photography since I thought very few people would be about. But I did find some at least.

Corporate message.

Selfie with product placement.

Rounding the corner.

OK, so I saw a white wall. And I saw some birds. I imagines something like this:

While waiting some more, a man came by:

If you read this, maybe you had the patience to look through all those photos! Thank you!  :-)
Be well, everybody!


Postat 2018-04-11 16:03 | Läst 16114 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #626: Jag och Willie Nelson...

Det har faktiskt slumpat sig så att jag sett Willie live två gånger, både 2013 och 2014. Båda gångerna som en bonus när jag egentligen skulle kolla in andra artister. Men det här var första gången jag kom honom så här nära!  ;-)

Chicago, 1/11 2015.

Ha det gott, alla!


Postat 2016-06-07 07:49 | Läst 1832 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #559: En annan sorts selfie

Istanbul, 11/4 2015.

Ha det gott, alla!


Postat 2016-02-16 22:42 | Läst 1714 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera