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Persongalleriet #752: Live blog from NYC: Day 3

Thursday, November 2nd 2017.
Day 3 was a day more about personal meetings than shooting. First I met the wonderful Iryna Fedorovska at 10 am. We walked and talked from Times Square to Columbus Circle. It was so nice to meet Iryna in person after knowing her for three years on deviant art! When walking back to Times Square again, I got this shot below after taking a quick step to the left to get the correct background.
I know it's out of focus, but I like the energy, the reds and the one-second-composition!

After saying goodbye to Iryna, I spent a little time on Times Square and got this shot:

The Map Reader.

After enjoying some beautiful light in Bryant Park and a great salad in Chop't, I met up with Barry Levy at the New York Public Library. I know Barry mainly from the Facebook group Pure Street Photography, where he does admin duties and critiques. We went to a nearby Starbucks and talked for several hours. Barry is a lifelong photographer and it was so much fun and interesting to listen to what he had to say about photography, stories from his life and also current events and politics! My throat was even a little bit sore after all this talking!
Following the parting advise from Barry, I did some shooting on the subway going back to the apartment on the Upper West Side. I even got myself some extra subway shooting time by taking the wrong train!

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2017-11-03 14:27 | Läst 2232 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #734: Prague, Wednesday

April 19th, 2017.
The last photo day on this trip was bitterly cold, but at least dry, and sometimes sunny. The day before the rain occationally turned to snow. I was dressed for spring, but this felt like winter. Here are a few of my last Prague documents, this time around:


Take care, everybody!


Postat 2017-04-20 10:03 | Läst 3787 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #729: Prague, Wednesday

March 12th, 2017.
A day filled with tourist activity number 1: SHOPPING! (sorry sight-seeing!)
In and out of stores, but we also got to see a lot of the city while walking from one shopping hotspot to another. And the subway gave me some more opportunities for streeting:

Prague is a very beautiful city and one example of that is its amazing cafés and restaurants. On this day, we had som tea/coffee and cake at Café Savoy on the "other" side of the river. What a beautiful place! The tea was immaculate and the Savoy cake was probably the best cake I've ever had!

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2017-04-14 19:53 | Läst 2463 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (1) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #718: Hong Kong, Tuesday

March 21st, 2017.
This was my bonus day! It started with me getting up early, at 5:20 a.m. and going out to the airport. Only to find out that my flight was delayed by 24 hours. Some practicalities and four hours later, I checked into my third HK hotel in as many weeks, in Tsim Sha Tsui. Couldn't have the room for another 5 hours, so naturally I went out streeting! It was a bright, sunny day with blue skies after all!

After a ferry trip to Hong Kong Island and some walking I found myself at the bottom of the Central-Mid-Levels escalator. Of course, I decided to go all the way up! This offered some opportunities for some different photographic perspectives.

Up there, I found mostly posh, residential high-rises and found a cab to get me down to sea level again. I took a walk from Central west towards Sheung Wan.

The Diamond.


Empty Lorry.


Dog in a Dress.

Taxi Smiles.

A Sack of Chilies.

Dr Reborn.

Thanks, Scandinavian Airlines, for this bonus day, the 21st of this trip!

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2017-03-25 15:19 | Läst 2854 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (4) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #552: London B&W

Börjar närma mig sluttampen på bilderna från min första dag i London i somras, den 2/7. Dagens bilder är från tågstationen Liverpool Street och från stadens tunnelbanesystem.

Ha det gott, alla!


Postat 2016-02-03 07:21 | Läst 2780 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera
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