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X. Oanvända vyer > Nyheter > AGFA MULTICONTRAST B/W Photo Competition 2004

AGFA MULTICONTRAST B/W Photo Competition 2004

Wanted: Black & White-Champions!

The Olympics, the Football European Cup - 2004 will be a year of superlative sporting events. And accordingly the second Agfa Multicontrast B/W Photo Competition will have sport and movement as its theme. Energy-laden moments can be discovered everywhere - the tension of the runner at the starting blocks, the triumph of a street soccer goal, the excitement of jumping on a halfpipe - the striking language of black-and-white photography captures the raw energy of a sporting competition in motifs which are full of expressive power. And pictures which simply express dynamism and movement - without any actual sports being involved - are also in the frame. A good reason for taking a walk round your local streets with your finger on the button. Shoot, send in to us and win - there are fantastic prizes to be gained. All black-and-white enthusiasts are invited to take part.

Deadline will be 28th of May.

Publicerad 2004-05-05.
