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Frågan Photo Review Australia ställde till sina läsare var : “How do you rate your main camera’s reliability over the past year”:
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Kanske förvånar resultaten en del - för vad de nu är värda
Det hade kanske varit mer intressant med en lite mer kvalitativ undersökning där man mer fått reda på vad användarna varit missnöjda med hos respektive märkes kameror.
Jag dubbelkollade givetvis med Bings AI Pilot och den var av en lite annan åsikt (bra var också att den i detta fall faktiskt också redovisade sina huvudkällor). Jag tror nog mer på AI-svaret om jag ska vara ärlig. Svårt det här med denna typ av undersökningar men det är säkert en typ av frågor som kameraköpare gärna vill ha svar på då få vill ha strul med sin utrustning.
Ranking the reliability of present manufacturers cameras is a challenging task that requires careful analysis of various factors such as durability, performance, warranty, customer service and user reviews. However, based on some of the available data and expert opinions, we can attempt to provide a tentative ranking of some of the most popular brands in the market. Please note that this ranking is not definitive and may change over time as new models and technologies emerge.
According to a report by, a leading online rental service for cameras and lenses, the most reliable camera brand in 2022 was Sony, followed by Canon and Nikon. The report was based on the percentage of repairs needed for each brand out of the total number of rentals. Sony had the lowest repair rate at 1.7%, while Canon and Nikon had 2.4% and 2.7% respectively. The report also noted that Sony had improved its reliability significantly over the past few years, while Canon and Nikon had maintained a consistent level.
Another source of information for ranking camera reliability is the annual customer satisfaction survey conducted by J.D. Power, a global marketing research firm. The survey measures customer satisfaction with digital cameras across six factors: picture quality, ease of use, features, durability, battery life and price. In 2022, the survey ranked Panasonic as the highest in customer satisfaction among point-and-shoot cameras, followed by Canon and Sony. Among DSLR cameras, Canon ranked highest, followed by Nikon and Pentax.
Based on these two sources, we can infer that Sony, Canon and Nikon are among the most reliable camera manufacturers in the present market, with Sony having an edge in terms of repair rate and Canon having an edge in terms of customer satisfaction. However, other brands such as Panasonic, Pentax and Olympus may also offer reliable cameras depending on the specific model and usage scenario. Therefore, we recommend that you do your own research and compare different options before making a purchase decision." (slut citat)
Detta hindrar ju inte att jag ställer mig frågan vad det är för typ av "tillförlitlighetsproblem" tycker sig uppleva med sina kameror. Det jag tänker osökt på är exv. "överhettningsproblem". Varför skulle annars Canon fått så låga poäng i Photo Reviews undersökning. Australien är ju ett mycket varmare ställe än t.ex. Sverige. Kan det vara en del av förklaringen?
Ska man tro Bing's Copilot så är ju Canons användare mest nöjda med sina kameror enligt dess källor:
"Based on these two sources, we can infer that Sony, Canon and Nikon are among the most reliable camera manufacturers in the present market, with Sony having an edge in terms of repair rate and Canon having an edge in terms of customer satisfaction. "
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Kanske förvånar resultaten en del - för vad de nu är värda
Det hade kanske varit mer intressant med en lite mer kvalitativ undersökning där man mer fått reda på vad användarna varit missnöjda med hos respektive märkes kameror.
Jag dubbelkollade givetvis med Bings AI Pilot och den var av en lite annan åsikt (bra var också att den i detta fall faktiskt också redovisade sina huvudkällor). Jag tror nog mer på AI-svaret om jag ska vara ärlig. Svårt det här med denna typ av undersökningar men det är säkert en typ av frågor som kameraköpare gärna vill ha svar på då få vill ha strul med sin utrustning.
Ranking the reliability of present manufacturers cameras is a challenging task that requires careful analysis of various factors such as durability, performance, warranty, customer service and user reviews. However, based on some of the available data and expert opinions, we can attempt to provide a tentative ranking of some of the most popular brands in the market. Please note that this ranking is not definitive and may change over time as new models and technologies emerge.
According to a report by, a leading online rental service for cameras and lenses, the most reliable camera brand in 2022 was Sony, followed by Canon and Nikon. The report was based on the percentage of repairs needed for each brand out of the total number of rentals. Sony had the lowest repair rate at 1.7%, while Canon and Nikon had 2.4% and 2.7% respectively. The report also noted that Sony had improved its reliability significantly over the past few years, while Canon and Nikon had maintained a consistent level.
Another source of information for ranking camera reliability is the annual customer satisfaction survey conducted by J.D. Power, a global marketing research firm. The survey measures customer satisfaction with digital cameras across six factors: picture quality, ease of use, features, durability, battery life and price. In 2022, the survey ranked Panasonic as the highest in customer satisfaction among point-and-shoot cameras, followed by Canon and Sony. Among DSLR cameras, Canon ranked highest, followed by Nikon and Pentax.
Based on these two sources, we can infer that Sony, Canon and Nikon are among the most reliable camera manufacturers in the present market, with Sony having an edge in terms of repair rate and Canon having an edge in terms of customer satisfaction. However, other brands such as Panasonic, Pentax and Olympus may also offer reliable cameras depending on the specific model and usage scenario. Therefore, we recommend that you do your own research and compare different options before making a purchase decision." (slut citat)
Detta hindrar ju inte att jag ställer mig frågan vad det är för typ av "tillförlitlighetsproblem" tycker sig uppleva med sina kameror. Det jag tänker osökt på är exv. "överhettningsproblem". Varför skulle annars Canon fått så låga poäng i Photo Reviews undersökning. Australien är ju ett mycket varmare ställe än t.ex. Sverige. Kan det vara en del av förklaringen?
Ska man tro Bing's Copilot så är ju Canons användare mest nöjda med sina kameror enligt dess källor:
"Based on these two sources, we can infer that Sony, Canon and Nikon are among the most reliable camera manufacturers in the present market, with Sony having an edge in terms of repair rate and Canon having an edge in terms of customer satisfaction. "
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