Annons dokumentari websidan

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Förlåt min dålig svenska...jag tänker at jag måste skriva engelska... Yes, even though I actually should know how to communicate in swedish, it is so darn rusty that at the moment it's better to write in english.

So, just promoting our (me and my friend Jussi's) website here in fotosidan too. We focus on documentary/photojournalistic/street etc. stuff and launched our site last January (if I remember correctly) and now there is a decent body of work presented at the site for you to check it out. Our main goal is to produce "photo stories" on various subjects, but lately the blog section has been very much active too. Please look at our site and of course bookmark it if you like what you see, and don't hesitate on spreading the link elsewhere!

Note; opening site is the "blog" section. To see all the photo essays click "stories".


If you wish to leave a comment, you can use swedish, I think I'll manage it...even if I can't write swedish at the moment.
Hej! Update! Lot's of blogging since last time and yesterday we published a new photo story! We both Strap photographers decided to combine our powers and document the traditional finnish party called "vappu" (a.k.a. 1st of may / labor day). The goal was to produce and publish a small story with a fast schedule and with the power of teamwork by doing our own work separately and mixing the images into a one story. Jussi took pictures in northern Finland and I in southern Finland. We hope you enjoy the results and maybe give a comment or two! Comments can be written in swedish...

new story-->
