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Nya objektiv och rykten för 2008!

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Lite info från trådar på DP, ena inlägget är om nya objektiv, och det andra om rykten om tre kameror under 2008!

"KM Glassman wrote:
> According to a Sony factory rep, this is the list of lenses Sony
> plans to release in 2008, All are FF, SSM:
> 14-24mm f2.8 G (This lens may be delayed to 2009)
> 24-70mm f2.8 G
> 70-200mm f2.8 G (Replaces current lens, improved for digital)
> 70-300mm f4.5-5.6 G
> 400mm f2.8 G
> 600mm f4.0 G
> Some notes:
> No prices or release dates available (Sorry!)
> The list may grow for 2008, definitely more lenses in 2009.
> Any new primes will be FF only.
> No information on APS-C only lenses yet.

This fits with the info I had earlier in the year except we have 14-24mm f2.8 instead of 16-35mm f2.8. Given the appearance of the Nikon 14-24mm f2.8, which I have just been using, the prototype shown by Sony is unlikely to have been a 14-24mm and they may have changed plans - 16-35mm probably not competive enough.

Despite what phototraveller thought, I still think the 400mm f2.8 and 600mm f4 are indeed the two large white lenses. I was told long ago that the 600mm f4 would be being reintroduced as SSM/G.

Also, re the discontinuation of the 70-200mm f2.8 current model - looks as if new manufacturing methods will be put in place to lower the cost of the new design relative to the hand-built Minolta classic.


Det var om objektiven, här kommer om kamerorna!

" Hi guys,

A long time I have been away from this forum. So glad to see so many old name and new name here. ^_^
According to KM Glassman posted eariler about new Sony glass, so I wish to share what I know from my source here as well. I may not all new news but at least we can now rest assure that 2008 will be a big year for Alpha mount system!

- 3 new bodies for 2008 is confirm.

- A900, whether this is a real name or not, will get 20+ MP FF image sensor with SSS. It will be available late in 2008 and price will be less than 3,500 USD.

- Raplacement of A100 is due to come in Q1 2008 together with another new body.

- New body will be placed under A100 replacement. So, we are looking for cheap body as fighting product to gain market share.

- Spec of these 3 new bodies will be open to public around PMA 2008.

- Lots of new lenses are planned for 2008. However, all the lenses posted by KM Glassman can't be confirmed by my source who gain insight info from marketing department, not factory/production/R&D department.

- There is no plan to discontinued the current 70-200SSM. At least from what I know.

- CZ16-35 f/2.8 is still in the lens pipeline for 2008.
- The new "extreme" wide angle fix lens for FF is also in 2008 plan.
- New flash to replace the current F56AM is also in 2008 plan.

That's what I can squezz out of my source so far. He siad "looks for the big news around Jan'08".

Now, come back to my report of A700 which I have done some briefly comparison with my friend's EOS-5D. Unfortunately, firmware 2 still not around at that time so the comparison to EOS-5D was based on firmware 1.

Image from EOS-5D show more detail than A700 which is of course as expected since 5D is FF. However, the 5D is prone to clip highlight than A700. This show that new Sony image sensor capable of better dynamic range than the aged 5D's sensor. Color of 5D, on the other hands, lack of punchy and rich tone of A700, which is always the strength of our Alpha system.

The comparison images of A700 and EOS-5D can be found in Part 1 here.

Part 2 of this review is here.

Apologize for few things:

- No english translation due to the rush to publish this "late" review. However, some info of the pictures are in English and can help to guide you in a way.

- Some pictures have been taken from users in this forum to give the complete review. My apology to the owner of those pictures for not asking for permission first. I would also want to give credit to the owner but the pictures have been downloaded in few weeks time and I lost track for which threads I found them.

- There are also pictures of comparison image of A700 and D300 from David K. I have download and used them as well. So, I want to thanks David and hope he do not mind that I took them without permission.

Again, this review is purely to share performance of A700 to everyone and have no commercial purpose intention. So, I am glad if ones want to use my images to share with any Alpha mount users. Just let me know if any of you want to have full size images of any pictures so I can make them available later.

Sorry for the long post as well as my poor English.


Ascona75 skrev:
- A900, whether this is a real name or not, will get 20+ MP FF image sensor with SSS. It will be available late in 2008 and price will be less than 3,500 USD.

0m deras ff kamera hamnar under 3 500 dollar borde ju det bli en stor konkeren jämte conon 5d
När jag köpte min A700 fick man med en enkel katalog över objektiv och där i fanns 70-300 med :)

Dvs det är väldigt officiellt att den kommer med samma specar som rykterna.
Jag har för en tid sedan börjat jobba lite extra inne på Japanphoto i Köpenhamn, och idag hade vi en säljare från Sony där.

Han sa att där kommer att vara 4 Skriver man Alpha, alphor, alphas lol?

Nåväl, 4 st modeller, inklusive nuvarande 700´an.

Dom andra tre skulle då vara.

1. Efterträdare till 100´an

2. Mini instegs modell under 100´an, dvs D40 klass.

3. Över 700´an "900´an" som enligt hans "det må jeg ikke sige, men jo den er FF"
Han trodde dock inte den skulle komma ut på marknaden förens till sommaren, för som han sa "D3 skall ha den första vågen sensorer"
Hurvida detta verkligen stämmer är man ju som vanligt aldrig 100% på, så skut inte budbäraren ha ha.

Inte så mycket nytt under solen ändå, förutom då kanske en ev bekräftelse på gissningar om D3 sensorn.
