
Diverse bilder från min vardag och lite annat. All photographs in this blog © Bengt Gustafsson, Bengts Bilder.

109 Curve

Black & White simplicity.

Postat 2007-10-31 22:35 | Läst 25396 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

108 Long days

are not unusual. Today I left my car at a garage to change oil, tyres etc. Then I traveled by subway to a building site where I answered some technical questions, had a cup of coffee and a chat with the constructors . Off to lunch with my partners in "Miljökonsultgruppen i Stockholm". After lunch we arranged a seminar for a group of 25 people. The topic of the seminar was how to search for materials containing PCB. (Swedish readers can find more info on

I hadn't prepared properly for my lecture, but the audience gave me a 4,6 grade on 1-5 scale. So I'm happy

Summer pictures :-)

Have a nice night!

Postat 2007-10-30 20:18 | Läst 25179 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

107: Streetphotography NYC

  1. This summer I visited USA and of course  had to make a stop in New York. I tried to make some candid street photographs.

    Yellow Cab of course

    Bike rider

    On his waysomewhere

    "I don't care"

    News team

    Photographers at Rockefeller Center

    A great place for a Pizza

    This man tried to sell me a wide angel lens adapter. This shot I tokk with the adapter on. We did buy an extra suitcase in his store.
    We needed it to pack all the things we bought.

    Skyline of course from Rockefeller Center!
Postat 2007-10-27 18:11 | Läst 26361 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

106: Winning entry

Good evening PhotoLovers. Yesterday was a grey and foggy day. we had a meeting in the PhotoClub where I won the contest called "Fikabilden". We have that every meeting and the winner does not have to pay for his coffe. My entry was the portrait I had on my blog yesterday.

Afterwards we had the "paper cup" a competition where we show two pictures at a time. the picture that gets most votes goes on to the next round. You are allowed to have five entries with you. the winner yesterday was Björn Björnsson with a beautiful portrait.

Today has also been a grey day, i have not seen the sun at all so I' m posting some spring/summer flowers.

Hold on winter will pass.

Good night

Postat 2007-10-26 20:13 | Läst 25100 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

105: Google search terms EDIT

Added a portrait of the model/photographer Sofia A

After reading Siljas Blogg I had to check what people are looking for on the Internet.
On you can see popular search terms.
I found a blog (Source: on the internet where there was a list of the most popular search terms around the world.

Sex — Egypten, Indien, Turkiet.
Hitler — Tyskland, Mexiko, Österrike.
Nazi — Chile, Australien, Storbritannien.
Gay — Chile, Mexiko, Colombia.
Jihad — Marocko, Indonesien, Pakistan.
Terrorism — Pakistan, Filippinerna, Australien.
Hangover (baksmälla) — Irland, Storbritannien, USA.
Burrito (mexikansk snabbmat) — USA, Argentina, Kanada.
Irak — USA, Australien, Kanada.
Taliban — Pakistan, Australien, Kanada.
Tom Cruise — Kanada, USA, Australien.
Britney Spears — Mexiko, Venezuela, Kanada.
Homosexual (homosexuell) — Filippinerna, Chile, Venezuela.
Love — Filippinerna, Chile, Venezuela.
Botox — Australien, USA, Storbritannien.
Viagra — Italien, Storbritannien, Tyskland.
David Beckham — Venezuela, Storbritannien, Mexiko.
Car bomb (bilbomb) — Australien, USA, Kanada.
Marijuana — Kanada, USA, Australien.
Kate Moss — Irland, Storbritannien, Sverige.

I wonder why we in Sweden are so interestde in Kate Moss? According to Google Sweden the most popular search term is not Kate Moss.
Anyway if you want some one to read your blog now you have an idea what you should write about to interest different cultures.
It'll be fun to see how many hits this entry will get.

Postat 2007-10-25 15:27 | Läst 39052 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera
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