Diverse bilder från min vardag och lite annat. All photographs in this blog © Bengt Gustafsson, Bengts Bilder.

114 Halloween

is not celebrated in Sweden the way it is in the US, the merchants have tried to introduce the same  concept but I think that this year the intensity in advertising has gone down. I'm  glad even if I can enjoy the lights, monsters and candy. :-) I don't think we need another commercial holiday.

We passed by a churchyard this afternoon to see where we might leave the remains of my father in law. He passed away last saturday, leaving a feeling of emptiness in our lives. I think this is a place he would have liked very much.


Inlagt 2007-11-04 18:59 | Läst 3291 ggr. | Permalink

"Tack Silja! Det är en enkel vacker plats. Nära havet som synes. Kram Bengt"

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Beklagar sorgen, Bengt. Det ser enkelt vackert ut på bilderna, som små ljuspunkter i tillvaron. Kram Silja
Tack Silja!
Det är en enkel vacker plats. Nära havet som synes.