Diverse bilder från min vardag och lite annat. All photographs in this blog © Bengt Gustafsson, Bengts Bilder.

5-56 "Flat Nick" in Stockholm

Flat Nick arrived in Stockholm a few weeks ago. The family has been kinda busy so mostly he has been hanging around the house. Today we decided to show him Stockholm, soon he will be traveling to some other city in the world.

Outside the Vasa Museum, http://www.vasamuseet.se/en/.  There was a long line of visitors at the entrance so we did not go inside.

Here Flat Nick is playing with Pippi Longstocking outside Junibacken http://www.junibacken.se/lang/english

The ice cream was irresisteble 

We continued on to Skansen, an open air museum, http://www.skansen.se/en/

and also Gröna Lund, an amusement park, though closed for the season

Flat Nick took a rest by a friendly lion

In the background you can see the royal castle in Stockholm and the old town

We missed the changing of the guards at the castle, but of course we had to take a picture with one of the guards.

"Flat Nick" is inspired by http://www.flatstanleybooks.com/  

Inlagt 2011-10-02 18:41 | Läst 2005 ggr. | Permalink

"Synd att den stackarn skulle bli uppäten av ett lejon. Du borde ta hand om dina gäster bättre!"

(visas ej)

Vad heter Disneyfiguren Kalle A*** i efternamn?
Sicken tillplattad typ...
Svar från begust 2011-10-02 20:46
Ja lättplacerad både hemma och i bilen :)
Varför engelska ??
Svar från begust 2011-10-02 20:46
Flat Nicks "pappa" Nick är amerikan. Tänkte glädja honom med detta inlägg :)
Synd att den stackarn skulle bli uppäten av ett lejon. Du borde ta hand om dina gäster bättre!