"Måla med ljus"

Multireporter och opinionsbildare. Det som står i min blogg är mina högst privata tankar och åsikter.

Glenn Hughes hosted a rocking 50th birthday party

The audience had high expectations as Glenn Hughes and his band kicked off their 18th month long tour at Valand in Gothenburg with their show 'Glenn Hughes Performs Classic Deep Purple Live – Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the album BURN' 2023 Tour.
"I'm honoring the band I used to be in all those years ago, maybe I'm the last guy to be doing this, I don't know," says Glenn at the beginning of the concert.

A couple of hundred expectant men and women were present. Most of them were upper middle-aged, but many younger faces could be seen in the audience. In recent years, many younger people have discovered the great bands of the 1970s.
"I saw Deep Purple with Glenn and Coverdale when I was 11 years old," said a neighbor in the crowd to me before the concert started.

Unfortunately, the songs recorded by Deep Purple Mark III and IV have not been performed by today's Deep Purple. Despite many of them being timeless classics that deserve to be played. However, Glenn decided to put together a band and embark on a 50th-anniversary tour, playing the old classics, especially from the Mark III and IV variations of Deep Purple.
"This is the first night of an 18-month-long tour playing this particular kind of music." says Glenn.

Glenn had three really good musicians with him. Despite it being the tour premiere, they were already in sync. Drummer Ash Sheehan was steady behind the drums and showed that the size of the drum set doesn't matter. The keyboardist Bob Fridzema did a good job trying to weave soundscapes à la Jon Lord, and guitarist Søren Andersen sometimes sounded like a young Richie Blackmore, which is a good compliment. However, Bob and Søren were not carbon copies; they put their personal touch on the songs. Søren has been playing with Glenn for many years, and they have good chemistry on stage.

This wasn't a night of extravagance but a 50th birthday party that aimed to recreate the magic of the album Burn which is one of the best albums of the 1970s. A album that, despite being equally good, has unfortunately been overshadowed by previous Purple albums with singer Ian Gillan.
"It's 50 years since Burn, so it's a good time to celebrate the album," says Glenn.

When he talked between the songs Glenn shared anecdotes about Richie Blackmore and Jon Lord, and he mentioned Deep Purple's performance at the California Jam in April 1974. The band played in front of 250,000 spectators there. At Valand, we were only 250. Personally, I prefer club gigs, especially when great artists like Glenn Hughes perform; there's a special magic in smaller venues that disappears in arenas.

Those of us who were present got to experience 13 really good songs from Deep Purple's vast repertoire. The songs were performed with great passion and joy, to the delight of the audience. Despite being 71 years old, Glenn Hughes sings better, in my opinion, than he did back then. It's no wonder he's earned the nickname "The Voice of Rock."

Over the years I've been to thousands of concerts, and I consider Glenn's concert to be one of the best I've attended. But it would have been even better if they had skipped the long drum solo. I understand that Glenn needed a break for his voice, but a 5-minute drum solo is too long, even if the drummer's name is Ash Sheehan.

Overall, though, I was satisfied, and those I spoke to after the concert were very pleased with the concert experience. I choose to give it 9 drumsticks out of 10.

If 'Glenn Hughes Performs Classic Deep Purple Live - Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the album BURN' 2023 Tour is coming to your city, take the opportunity to attend the concert, music doesn't get much better than this.https://www.facebook.com/glennhughesonline


1 - Stormbringer
2 - Might just take your life
3 - Sail away
4 - You fool no one
5 - Blues jam
6 - High ball shooter
7 - Drum solo
8 - Mistreated
9 - Gettin' tighter
10 - This time around
11 - You keep on moving
12 - Encore - Highway star 
13 - Encore - Burn

I used a Ricoh GR III for the pictures. No animals were harmed during the photo shoot. Swedish translation in the comments below.

Text and Photo: Mikael Good

Postat 2023-05-17 18:53 | Läst 7935 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (3) | Kommentera

A Budget-Friendly Camera for Rock Photography

Finding an affordable camera that excels in indoor rock photography can be quite challenging, especially when you're on a tight budget. However, I have discovered a fantastic option that offers excellent performance without draining your wallet. Although the camera is a few years old, it still possesses the ability to capture high-quality photos at high ISO settings.

In the past, when I was working with cameras in the Canon EOS 1D series, I found that while Canon cameras were robust and performed well, their performance at high ISOs was not as impressive. That's when I heard positive reports about the Sony A7s from documentary and rock photographers. Intrigued, I decided to check it out and ended up purchasing one. When I started using it in the photo pit, I received sarcastic comments from CANIKON photographers, questioning if it was even possible to work with such a small camera. However, the A7s's excellent performance at high ISOs impressed them, and some even wished they had a CANIKON camera with a similar sensor.

The Sony A7s is primarily designed for filming in 4k, but its remarkable characteristics at high ISOs make it perfect for capturing photos in low-light conditions, such as indoor concerts. While the autofocus may not be the fastest, and continuous shooting is slow (though not everyone uses continuous shooting anyway), these are minor drawbacks considering the camera's overall capabilities. For most types of photography, including rock photos, the A7s is more than adequate. In fact, it can still produce excellent results at 12800 ISO and higher, often surpassing those of modern and more expensive cameras.

The affordability of a second-hand Sony A7s makes it an excellent investment. Despite having a 12.2-megapixel sensor, you can easily enlarge the photos, if necessary, using programs like Topaz Gigapixel AI. In the article, I captured the photos with a Sony A7s and a Sony FE 70-200/4 G OSS lens, which proved to be an excellent combination for indoor rock photography. Although I have since switched to the Sony A9, which better suits my needs as an all-round camera, I still regularly use my A7s as a backup, typically with a 14 or 20mm wide-angle lens.

Text and Photo: Mikael Good

Postat 2022-09-01 12:03 | Läst 3763 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

WeTransfer om fotografen själv får välja

Efter att jag gjort en högst ovetenskaplig undersökning med 27 fotografer i samband med artikeln "Hur levererar du bilder till dina kunder?". Har jag kommit fram till att mer än hälften använder WeTransfer när de levererar bilder, men även Google Drive och Smugmug använd av en del fotografer. Det fanns även ett par som var riktigt old school och levererade bilder på USB-sticka eller CD-rom om önskemål om det fanns från kund.

Jag tog bilden i inlägget med en Leica M240 och ett Zeiss 21mm. Bilden på den amerikanska Hip Hop-stjärnan Lecraes entusiastiska publik ingick i en batch på 300 bilder på sammanlagt 1,8 gigabyte som jag skickade till kund via Wetransfer, 10 minuter senare hade de levererats. Men problemet med allt snabbare möjlighet till leverans är att en del kunder helst vill ha bilderna i samma ögonblick som de tas. 

Text och foto: Mikael Good

Postat 2021-02-13 10:34 | Läst 3710 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Rockfoto - När gospeln träffar hjärtat

Det hela började med att kören Gnosjö Gospel ville åka till USA, till gospelns hemstad Chicago. Någon kläckte då idén om att de skulle göra ett projekt av resan och söka EU-bidrag från Leader västra Småland. Sagt och gjort, ett projekt planerades, det blev rätt mycket mer än bara en resa, budgeten slutade på 1,8 miljoner och det var väl egentligen ingen i kören som riktigt trodde att de skulle få pengarna. Men projektet godkändes och även om man inte fick hela summan så är nu första delen i projektet i full gång.

Gospel Music  Gospel Music
Gospel Music  Gospel Music

Tack vare projektet kunde Gnosjö Gospel bjuda in fyra av gospelmusikens riktigt stora namn till Gnosjö i Småland; Neicy Robertson, Cinque Cular, Rodney Jones Jr och Titus Robertson. Jag ville inte missa tillfället att träffa dem och fanns på plats när de hade ett seminarium i text, bild och musik om gospelmusikens historia för elever och lärare på Gnosjöandans Kunskapscenter. 

Gospel Music  Gospel Music
Gospel Music  Gospel Music

I publiken fanns svenskar, nysvenskar och flyktingar från det närliggande flyktingboendet. Gospelstjärnorna Cinique och Neicy fick snabbt med sig publiken och efter en kort stund träffade gospelmusiken hjärtat och kristna, muslimer och ateister applåderade, dansade och sjöng med i sångerna tillsammans. Det är precis så som musik ska vara den ska träffa hjärtat, riva ned murar och sammanfoga människor!

Gospel Music  Gospel MusicGospel Music  Gospel Music

Ett par dagar senare hade de en gemensam konsert med Gnosjö Gospel  för 600 personer i Töllstorpshallen. Jag hade tyvärr inte möjlighet att närvara vid det tillfället men var glad och tacksam för att jag fick lyssna på Neicy, Cinque, Titus Robertson och Rodneys föredrag och snacka lite musik med dem efteråt, bara det var en upplevelse i sig.

Gospel  Gospel Music

Text och foto: Mikael Good


Postat 2017-05-30 19:10 | Läst 16011 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

Rockfoto - Samuel Ljungblahd

En artist som jag har fotograferat många gånger är Samuel Ljungblahd. Han bjuder alltid på sig själv och levererar alltid. Men det är lite svårt att få med honom på bild då han alltid är i rörelse. Men den senaste gången som jag såg honom var jag utrustad med en riktigt snabb kamera och hade inga som helst problem att följa Samuels framfart på scenen.

Text och foto: Mikael Good


Postat 2017-05-27 14:44 | Läst 15346 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera
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