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Niklas Lindskog
2017-04-14 19:53 Persongalleriet
March 12th, 2017. A day filled with tourist activity number 1: SHOPPING! (sorry sight-seeing!) In and out of stores, but we also got to see a lot of the city while walking from one shopping hotspot ... läs mer..

Läst 2482 ggr | 1 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-04-12 10:13 Persongalleriet
April 11th, 2017. We took an early morning walk down to the river and Charles Bridge. Early morning means not too many tourists and it turned out this fact was not only used by us, but also the ... läs mer..

Läst 2873 ggr | 2 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-04-10 23:24 Persongalleriet
April 10th, 2017. It's late and I need to sleep. But first a short blog entry after an action packed day! On the Castle Wall. Be well, everybody! Niklas läs mer..

Läst 1147 ggr | 4 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-04-09 13:16 Persongalleriet
Åker till Prag idag. De första fem dagarna tillsammans med min fru. Vi ska turista, äta gott och gå på några konserter. Sedan stannar jag en vecka och gatufotar. Siktar på att rapportera fortlöpande, ... läs mer..

Läst 2102 ggr | 0 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-04-08 11:33 Persongalleriet
Idag visar jag två bilder från min marsresa 2015. Den gick huvudsakligen till Amsterdam, men en dag tog jag tåget till närbelägna Haarlem för att få lite omväxling. Och som omväxling till allt ... läs mer..

Läst 2042 ggr | 1 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-04-07 16:03 Persongalleriet
Mars 2017. Idag kommer sista avdelningen i den här serien svartvita gatufoton från Hong Kong. Ha det gott, alla! Niklas läs mer..

Läst 2638 ggr | 1 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-04-06 09:09 Persongalleriet
Mars 2017. Ha det gott, alla! Niklas läs mer..

Läst 2732 ggr | 2 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-04-05 08:51 Persongalleriet
Mars 2017. Ha det gott, alla! Niklas läs mer..

Läst 1873 ggr | 2 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-04-04 09:14 Persongalleriet
Mars 2017. Ha det gott, alla! /Niklas läs mer..

Läst 2248 ggr | 4 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-04-03 21:32 Persongalleriet
Mars 2017. Ha det gott, alla! Niklas läs mer..

Läst 1724 ggr | 2 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-04-02 11:28 Persongalleriet
Hong Kong, mars 2017. Ha en fin söndag, alla! Niklas läs mer..

Läst 1482 ggr | 7 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-25 15:19 Persongalleriet
March 21st, 2017. This was my bonus day! It started with me getting up early, at 5:20 a.m. and going out to the airport. Only to find out that my flight was delayed by 24 hours. Some practicalities ... läs mer..

Läst 2878 ggr | 4 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-24 13:58 Persongalleriet
March 20th, 2017. The plan was to meet with my new found friend, Chan Chun Ming, at 1 p.m. This gave me some time for a morning walk as well. The sun was out properly, with a clear blue sky! For the ... läs mer..

Läst 1990 ggr | 0 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-21 11:44 Persongalleriet
March 19th, 2017. A bit tired, after the tough day yesterday. On top of that it was raining quite hard. Tried to wait it out, but gave up eventually. Opted for the D800 for the first time on this ... läs mer..

Läst 3947 ggr | 4 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-19 05:19 Persongalleriet
March 18th, 2017. This Saturday sure was intense! I travelled from Hanoi to HK in the morning. In the early afternoon I went out to find lunch and some street. The hotel has a fitness centre and I ... läs mer..

Läst 2482 ggr | 6 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-17 07:46 Persongalleriet
March 16th, 2017. When returning from my walk the day before, I had noticed there was another stretch of railroad tracks with houses on either side, just south of the main train station. This is ... läs mer..

Läst 3597 ggr | 8 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-16 10:04 Persongalleriet
March 15th, 2017. Although I had a very nice midday walk, I'll just show one photo from it. Instead I'll concentrate on the evening walk. Some drama in the electric lights and wet glistening ... läs mer..

Läst 2012 ggr | 2 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-15 11:43 Persongalleriet
March 14th, 2017. Started off the day by going to the Temple of Literature, dedicated to Confucius and built in 1070 a.d. A place of peace and quiet and beauty. I spent an hour or so at the temple ... läs mer..

Läst 1409 ggr | 0 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-14 11:48 Persongalleriet
March 13th, 2017. Sunday became a day of rest. Although I did some photography work on the computer, I didn't take the camera out at all. In fact I didn't even leave the hotel until it was time to ... läs mer..

Läst 1793 ggr | 0 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-12 07:24 Persongalleriet
March 11th, 2017 On this day, I went on two walks with a short lunch break in between. I moved through roughly the same neighborhood as on Wednesday afternoon, extending my perimeter. One of the ... läs mer..

Läst 3313 ggr | 1 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-11 15:40 Persongalleriet
March 10th, 2017. Stayed in my room until lunch since had promised sun during the afternoon and I wanted to reserve my energy. A bit of joy to start off with! At first it was as cloudy as ... läs mer..

Läst 1504 ggr | 2 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-10 06:22 Persongalleriet
March 9th, 2017. Today I took a walk along the narrow train tracks that go through central Hanoi. I've seen the photos how people live right on the tracks and wanted to see with my own eyes. After ... läs mer..

Läst 2580 ggr | 5 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-09 10:39 Persongalleriet
March 8th, 2017. Woke early and got myself out on the streets by 8. Just to walk somewhere else I took a route past the park with the Lenin statue, the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and the sight nearest my ... läs mer..

Läst 2735 ggr | 2 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-08 11:32 Persongalleriet
March 7th, 2017. Hanoi has been very grey with heavily overcast skies so far. The only opportunity for more dramatic light has been the electric light in the evenings. On this my second day in Hanoi ... läs mer..

Läst 2522 ggr | 7 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-07 08:32 Persongalleriet
March 6th, 2017. A morning photo walk in Hong Kong and in the evening another one  in Hanoi. It's not the first time I've shot street in two countries on the same day. I can recall Copenhagen+Malmö ... läs mer..

Läst 2208 ggr | 7 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-06 00:14 Persongalleriet
March 5th, 2017. I thought I'd do some tourist stuff today. See The Peak and ride the Ferry. It turned out it wasn't maybe the best day for that, since it was quite hazy. I wouldn't call it foggy, ... läs mer..

Läst 2874 ggr | 4 kommentarer.
Niklas Lindskog
2017-03-05 01:36 Persongalleriet
March 4th, 2017. On Mr. Ming's advice I rode the tram to  Wan Chai and walked up and down backstreets and main streets alike, working my way towards Causeway Bay. All the while taking in the markets ... läs mer..

Läst 2493 ggr | 4 kommentarer.
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