Multireporter och opinionsbildare. Det som står i min blogg är mina högst privata tankar och åsikter.

A brand new Leica is on the way

Alive in Concert

Leica Camera AG shall soon release a budget prized camera with interchangeable lenses according to a very reliable source at the company. Leica has not given an exact date for the release of the new camera but many assume that it will be presented by Leica at a special event in Berlin on April 24. It shall be interesting to see if the new camera can challenge my good old Leica M8.

Alive in Concert

I like shooting concerts with a rangefinder camera with a 20 or 50mm lens. A rangefinder camera gives me the opportunity to capture the picture in exactly the right moment. I will work on more concerts in this spring and summer. Working on concerts is a nice way to discover new music. A band that I discovered last year was Benesser who have made a really good album. Benesser is also a very good live band.

Alive in Concert

Click the following link if you want to see the whole set:

Text and Photo: © Mikael Good, All Rights Reserved

Inlagt 2014-04-05 12:15 | Läst 6608 ggr. | Permalink

"Fina konsertbilder! /Niklas"

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Vad heter hufvudstaden i Sverige?
Vad heter den? kameran alltså, e nyfiken
Svar från Chasid 2014-04-05 16:06
Kameran kommer givetvis att heta Leica! :) Jag har inte sett själva kameran men jag har sett en del bilder som har tagits med den och det ser ganska så lovande ut!
/Mikael Good
Mrdoderhult 2014-04-05 17:07
Jo att en Leica heter Leica det företog jag också.-)
menade mera modell så man kunde googla lite och se lite...
Fina konsertbilder!