Bästa informationsköpet på länge

I väntan på värme. Satava, Åbo 29.3.2017. Foto: Håkan Eklund. Nr 88/365.

Det är sällan jag känt mig så nöjd över ett köp som prenumeration på The New York Times. De kolumner och debattartiklar som finns i den tidningen utgör kvalitetsjournalistik.

I jämförelse är våra egna kvällstidningar, rikstidningar och provinstidningar ganska tunna i substans; mest underhållning, skvaller, meningslöst material om olyckor och brott, lifestyle och glitter. Vem kunde bry sig mindre ...

Mycket av det som hittas i New York Times är rena "dynamiten"; substansrik och intressant läsning, se här ett litet utdrag ur Thomas L. Friedmans artikel ur dagens tidning:

Trump Is a Chinese Agent (MARCH 29, 2017)

- - - But Trump took his Make China Great campaign to a new level on Tuesday by rejecting the science on climate change and tossing out all Obama-era plans to shrink our dependence on coal-fired power. Trump also wants to weaken existing mileage requirements for U.S.-made vehicles. Stupid.

O.K., Mr. President, let’s assume for a second that climate change is a hoax. Do you believe in math? There are now 7.5 billion people on the planet, and there will be 8.5 billion by 2030, according to the United Nations population bureau — and most will want to drive like us, eat protein like us and live in houses like us. And if they do, we’ll eat up, burn up, smoke up and choke up the planet — and devour our fisheries, coral reefs, rivers and forests — at a pace we’ve never seen before. Major cities in India and China already can’t breathe; wait for when there are another billion people.

That means that clean power, clean water, clean air, clean transportation and energy-efficient buildings will have to be the next great global industry, whether or not there is climate change. The demand will be huge.

So what is China doing? Its new five-year plan is a rush to electric cars, batteries, nuclear, wind, solar and energy efficiency — and a cap-and-trade system for carbon. Trump’s plan? More coal and oil. Hello? How can America be great if we don’t dominate the next great global industry — clean power? - - - 

Inlagt 2017-03-29 20:13 | Läst 4078 ggr. | Permalink
Efter att ha följt Donald Trumps Twitterkonto sedan presidentkampanjen så har jag verkligen allvarliga funderingar hur han tänker.
I kulturtidskriften "The Tew Yorker" formulerade man sig så här idag:

On Tuesday, less than two weeks after the White House unveiled its “budget blueprint to make America great again,” which proposed to reduce the Environmental Protection Agency’s funding by $2.6 billion and lay off about a fifth of its workforce, President Trump took aim at the E.P.A. once more. On a dais in the Map Room of the agency’s D.C. headquarters, Trump gave a thirteen-minute-long speech celebrating “a new era in American energy,” as thirteen “incredible coal miners” stood silently at his side, like shy and stocky pageant contestants. They were the physical embodiment of this new era—white, middle-aged, clean-shaven, strong—which was about to be signed into existence with a sweeping executive order on energy and environmental policy. Mining is what they “want to do,” Trump said. “They love the job.