The Roots of Photography is Snaps!
Back to the roots!

Straight 1297 / Bostadsministerns feltänk!



Det regnar ute...


Obs! Nu är det ingen blogg om foto, utan om bostadsförsörjningen i Stockholmsregionen!

Läste en artikel i DN i dag, fredag 28 oktober 2011,
"Regeringen begär in svar om byggandet i länet!"

Bostadsministern, Stefan Attefall,  tycker att många kommuner i Stockholmsregionen inte bygger tillräckligt med bostäder!

Utan att gå in för mycket i feltänket, så går jag direkt på sak, att det finns oanade möjligheter i Stockholmregionen, om man tänker från rätt håll liksom!  ;)

Ta som exempel Gnesta. Att bo i Gnesta är mycket bra. Allt finns här, service, vårdcentral, skolor, banker, butiker, bostäder och Gnesta ligger inom bekvämt pendlingavstånd från Stockholm där de flesta jobben finns!
Det tar 35 minuter med regionaltåg och 1 timme med Pendeltåget!
Så vad är problemet?

Problemet är dålig turtäthet på tågen, dyra biljetter och att de här tågen inte fungerar så bra alla gånger.  (Men allt det här vet alla redan)

Flera av våra vänner har lämnat Gnesta av den här orsaken, men visst fick dom betala mer för sitt boende när dom flyttade närmare Stockholm, men dom kommer till jobbet enklare, billigare och ofta i tid!

Så herr Bostadsminister, lösningen ligger inte i att bygga fler bostäder,
utan lösningen ligger i att snabbt hjälpa de kringliggande kommunerna att få fungerande kommunikationer till rimliga priser till och från Storstockholm!
Se'n startar bostadsbyggande automatiskt ute i de här kommunerna!  :)


Å vi talar ju mycket om miljön numera. Hört talas om miljövänligt resande?  Tåg tex? ;)






Inlagt 2011-10-28 13:13 | Läst 3163 ggr. | Permalink

"Hi Bengt, Yes, I've been reading about it. Seems it is a contagious sickness in the western world - a way to give the politicians a way out - of not having to take responsibility for the hard decisions. Same has been happening and is going on over here - more so now when the tories won the last election - and the tories have been looking to the US ever since Reagan and Thatcher got along so swimmingly. Don't know if you have read the latest from the UK - in the last year the salaries and compensation for management rose a whopping 50% - average income now £3.5 million - while the average working British stiff has seen their living standard sink yet again and services are being cut - yet again. For example, we used to have garbage collection every week - it's been every two weeks since early this year. Food prices has increased about 20% this year - if not more. When Jess and I were in Sweden this summer we were struck how much cheaper it was to go food shopping - and I tell you, the stores we were taken to by friends do not exist in the UK - wow - large, light, incredibly well stocked. We were not happy going back home..=*^) Still miss Lingongrova and Prästost - and lovely Zoega's Coffee - oh man - we miss...=*^)"

(visas ej)

Hur mycket är tre plus två?
Skriv svaret med bokstäver
Första bilden är underbar! För att föra in bloggen på foto i alla fall :)
I've read a lot about the hassles riding the rails in Sweden, especially the last couple of years. Living in Britain, you prefer not to use a car as the roads are always very crowded (let's not mention streets in the old towns) and finding parking spaces is not easy and quite expensive. But, the bus and rail system is working pretty well, considering the country is small but very densely populated.

My lovely wife Jess and I live in a little town called St. Ives about 15 miles NW of Cambridge, famous not only for the medieval bridge with a chapel that cross the river The Great Ouse but also as end station for the World's Longest Guided Busway which takes you into the center of Cambridge..=*^):

This service takes anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes, depending which route (a, b and c) you choose and time of day. The cost for a monthly unlimited travel card you can use 7 days/week is £74.50 - about 765 SEK.

We are also 5 miles away from a town called Huntingdon where we catch the train into London (we get there either on the same bus service we use into Cam so no extra cost or by car) - a journey that takes anywhere from about 45 minutes to more than an hour, depending on which train and service you choose.

We usually go off peak to London and buy a day pass that includes unlimited bus and underground on all bus and tube lines - this ticket cost us £30/each - about 310 SEK..

Our experiences so far (2+ years) is that the trains are almost always on time, clean, comfortable and have WiFi that works..=*^)
Svar från Benganbus 2011-10-28 23:25
Hej Christer, å intressant att höra hur ni har det där ni bor numera!
I Sverige har regeringarna släppt ut ansvaret för bla kommunikationer, elförsörjning, skolor mm till privata aktörer, och dom har självklart ett huvudansvar för sina aktieägare! ;)

Och det blir litet tradig att varje år få höra hur de olika aktörerna skyller på varandra när det inte fungerar. Tågbolaget skyller på Banverket som skyller på Rälsverket som skyller på Regeringen som skyller på SJ....
Å se'n händer inget mer! :)

Tycker Regeringen måste återta komandot för samhällsviktiga funktioner i Sverige! ;)
Hi Bengt,

Yes, I've been reading about it. Seems it is a contagious sickness in the western world - a way to give the politicians a way out - of not having to take responsibility for the hard decisions.

Same has been happening and is going on over here - more so now when the tories won the last election - and the tories have been looking to the US ever since Reagan and Thatcher got along so swimmingly.

Don't know if you have read the latest from the UK - in the last year the salaries and compensation for management rose a whopping 50% - average income now £3.5 million - while the average working British stiff has seen their living standard sink yet again and services are being cut - yet again. For example, we used to have garbage collection every week - it's been every two weeks since early this year. Food prices has increased about 20% this year - if not more. When Jess and I were in Sweden this summer we were struck how much cheaper it was to go food shopping - and I tell you, the stores we were taken to by friends do not exist in the UK - wow - large, light, incredibly well stocked.

We were not happy going back home..=*^)

Still miss Lingongrova and Prästost - and lovely Zoega's Coffee - oh man - we miss...=*^)